
Maplestory lucid soul skill
Maplestory lucid soul skill

maplestory lucid soul skill maplestory lucid soul skill

Easy Lucid reward stage doesnt drop item from most bosses (Meso bag, Elixir, Power Elixir, Boss Medal of Honor, etc.), its should add drop in there.ġ1. System doesnt change background in Hard Lucid Phase 3, its should change background. Easy / Normal / Hard Lucid Phase 2 will invincible 10 seconds when FMA attack end, its shouldnt.ĩ. Nightmare Golem from Easy / Normal / Hard Lucid Phase 2 doesnt doing 30% damage when destroy platform, its should have. Nightmare Golem from Easy / Normal / Hard Lucid Phase 2 doesnt have summon animation when appear, its should have. Player potion lock debuff is incorrect effect when player move to underground in Hard Lucid Phase 2, its should change to correct potion lock debuff effect to player. Its should doing 180% damage when player member not in nearby or player not in light area.ĥ. Easy / Normal / Hard Lucid Phase 2 bomb skill still doing 90% damage when player member not in nearby or player not in light area, Easy Lucid Phase 2 doesnt doing teleport back map when player move to underground, its should add.Ĥ. Weapon Secondary Weapon Belt Cape Shoulder Soul Skills attained are tag to the Soul that is enchanted on your main weapon. Souls can only be equiped on the 5 equipments listed below when its been soul enchanted by the soul enchanter.

maplestory lucid soul skill

Usually, summons are the best as attack skills have a long delay and buffs are generally unsustainable. Souls are attained from Soul shards that drop from Bosses during expeditions. Easy Lucid Phase 2 platform doesnt disappear in few seconds like Normal / Hard Lucid Phase 2, its should have.ģ. The skill is set for each boss, and for bosses with augmented versions of souls, the skill will either be a stronger version, or a completely different skill. Easy Lucid Phase 2 doesnt summon Nightmare Golem and doesnt destroy platform like Normal / Hard Lucid Phase 2, its should have.Ģ. An unclear description will not get the bug fixed):ġ. Description of Bug (Explain the bug, How is it done, what should it really be doing? etc.

Maplestory lucid soul skill